Here you'll find my own work on the DC. This is most of the interesting content on the site, currently. Hopefully you can find something useful in here to what you're trying to do with your spiffy Dreamcast. If there is any host PC code in here, it is designed for Debian Linux 2.3 (woody) and was compiled in that environment. Your mileage may vary, but RedHat Linux 6.2 and above ought to work as well.

Note: As of Oct 5, 2001, I will no longer be hosting any versions of libdream or KOS on here, for two seperate reasons. I am ceasing to host libdream in the hopes that if anyone REALLY wants to use it, then someone else can pick up hosting / maintaining it. For KOS, it's now in SourceForge's file and CVS systems, so you don't need to get it here anymore. I am, however, keeping both libdream 0.6 and KOS 0.6 around for historial purposes =).